PinnedFirst they cameFor many years, I had a copy of Martin Neimüller’s poem First they came, taped on my office door. I was a young college professor when I…Feb 2Feb 2
PinnedThank you Dr. BidenAs a young professor, I would walk into the classroom, settle in, greet students as they walked into class and begin by saying, “Hi. My…Dec 16, 20202Dec 16, 20202
The 5 important lessons about brain health. Learn from my experience, PleaseAlina GrubnyakJan 8, 20231Jan 8, 20231
Three lessons about living I learned from a random assaultIt was only 7:00 pm, but already dark. Ice crystals twinkled in the reflection of the lights lining a street of stately brownstones. I’d…Jan 17, 2022Jan 17, 2022
Rosie becomes a service dog for my invisible injuryI was reaching into the loose carrots, one hand wrapped in a plastic bag, the other holding Rosie’s leash. I heard only, “It’s illegal.”…Jul 9, 2021Jul 9, 2021
Covid 19 and education: There is no vaccine for long-term traumaI am a retired college professor, privileged to watch from the sidelines the various educational responses to the Covid 19 pandemic. My…Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021